onsdag den 10. december 2008

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torsdag den 12. juni 2008

Open House

To follow up on last years success QuickWood is ones again inviting all customers to open house in our factory in Udine, Italy

We will be displaying our lacquer spraying machines including one electrical drying tunnel. Also most of our standard brush sanding machines will be on display as well as our new polishing machine.
This is the perfect opportunity to se the machines running and to get inspiration in how to improve your production.

The open house will take place from Thursday 12-07-2008 until Saturday 12-07-2008

The location is:
QuickWood Esperia s.r.l.
Via della Tecnologia 6/1
33050 Pavia di Udine

The factory is about one hour by car from Venice

QSF-1300 spraying machine

The perfect machine for flat panels such as kitchen and cabinet doors. The machine can be fitteted with up 8 spraying guns

QSM-D-200 Spraying machine

Small and easy to use spraying machine. Mostly used for profiled moultings. Can be fitteted with up to 4 spraying guns.

For further information please contact QuickWood Denmark either by email or telephone

We are looking forward to seeing you in Udine

mandag den 11. februar 2008

Brush Sanding Machines

QuickWood is specialized in sealer sanding and has over 30 years experience in the wood and furniture industry. We carry a wide range of brush sanding machines at very competitive prices. QuickWood is based in Denmark but has sales offices and agents all over the world. We produce all our machines at our own factories in Italy and China.

Right now we can offer our China built machines at a very low cost. The machines are fully up to QuickWood’s normal high standard and all electrical components and motors are produced in Europe.

The PRO-1400 is a rotation brush sanding machine specially suitable for flat profiled items such as cabinet doors but it can also be used for a wide range of other products. With the Quick-Edge tooling system it is possible to sand all 4 outside edges and the surface and profile on cabinet doors in one through-feed.

PRO-800 ex works: EUR 36.750,-
PRO-1100 ex works: EUR 47.250,-
PRO-1400 ex works: EUR 57.750,-

The CD2-300 is developed for long narrow mouldings with profile. The machine has inclined spindles so the brushes can adjust to almost any profile. It sands 3 edges in on through-feed.


Price ex works: EUR 8.000,-

For inquiries or more detailed information please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to helping you improve your production.

onsdag den 19. december 2007

Quick-Strip System - one tool 4 options


The unique Quick-Strip System enables you to keep the brushes and only change the abrasive. This gives you huge savings over time. The brush has an estimated lifetime which is 5-10 times longer than the abrasive. On normal systems the abrasive is attached to the brush, this means that the brush is thrown away alongside the abrasive. With Quick-Strip you simply slide the abrasive out when it is used up. It is very easy and fast and can even be done while the Quick-Strip tool is mounted in the machine.

The Quick-Strip system fits on all QuickWood machines and most other brands. The system can be combined with: the Quick-Edge, Universal-Cut and Dual-Grit tooling systems.


It has always been a problem to sand the vertical edge on cabinet doors and the like. The options have been manual sanding or expensive machines involving an extra operation. With the Quick-Edge system all 4 outside edges, the profile and the surface is sanded in one through-feed. The system works with inclined brushes which enables the abrasive to push harder against the edge and hereby create a better sanding result.

The concept lies in the construction of the tool and not the machine. This means that Quick-Edge can work on any rotating through-feed machine and not only QuickWood machinery.


Often two different grits are needed for a perfect sanding job. One for sanding before lacquer and another for sanding in between. With the Dual-Grit system abrasives are mounted on each side of the brush. This means that you can change the grit simply by changing the rotations of the sanding drums. By doing this you safe loads of time otherwise spent on changing the tool completely.

Dual-Grit fits in the Quick-Strip system and can be mounted on almost any brush sanding machine. The only requirement is that the rotation of the sanding drums can be reversed.


To better suit your profile the abrasive can be cut in a pattern that fits it perfectly. With Universal-Cut the abrasive fingers are cut in an individual size and the corners are rounded. There are numerous advances with this, oscillation on the sanding drums is avoided because the different finger sizes overlap and the overall sanding result is better.

Universal-Cut fits in the Quick-Strip system and can be mounted on Quick-Edge, Dual-Grit and the normal Quick-Strip brush.

tirsdag den 18. december 2007


Right now QuickWood is offering the popular Quick-Lift at a very low price.
It comes as two different types: One for lifting pallet lengths-wise and one for lifting cross-wise

Lengths-wise DKK 15.750,-

Cross-wise DKK 19.500,-

By establishing a healthy and safe work environment numerous advantages are achieved. This is something that every company has to acknowledge. One of the main factors is heavy and repeatable lifting. By reducing this companies gain a fast and more steady flow through the production and sick days are greatly reduced. Quick-Lift is an easy and cheap way to accommodate this problem.

Further more Quick-Lift also gives the opportunity for one man to work a machine where two men previously where needed. Hereby capacity is better utilised and production goes up

The lift is very easy to operate and is equipped with at switch to automatically adjust the height. It can lift 1000 kg and the maximum lifting hight is 800 mm

QuickWood has been developing and selling brush sanding machines and tools for over 30 years. We carry a wide range of standard machines to very competitive prices. Call us today for more detailed information about our machines or get one of our sales agent to visit your production.

We are looking forward to help improving your production